<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> Flamingo Stat-Stick Calculator

Flamingo Stat-Stick Calculator

By Just_Peaches

Riven Stats:


Other Options:

Arcane Avenger?
Arcane Fury?
Arcane Blade Charger?
Steel Charge?
Weapon has Syndicate Augment?
Assume Max Combo?

Allow Umbra Forma?
Ability Strength:
Rubble Heap?


If you've ever wanted to know for sure what the best build for your stat-stick is, or determine which riven roll you should keep, then this tool is for you.
This calculator works for Atlas, Khora, and Gara, whom you can choose from using the first dropdown.
You can input all of your Riven stats or leave those fields empty if you don't have one.
Since some arcanes affect stat-stick calculations, and may influence the best choice of build, you can choose whether or not you plan to have Arcane Avenger, Arcane Blade Charger, and Arcane Fury active while using this build.
Many popular stat-stick melee weapons have unique syndicate augments which increase melee damage by 100%. If you check this box, the optimal build may include that augment, represented by "Blade of Truth" as a placeholder. Although these augments have the same effect as Spoiled Strike on ability damage, this calculator prioritizes them since they lack the negative attack speed and provide potentially useful syndicate procs.
You can also choose whether or not to assume the ability is being used at maximum combo count, which is likely when using Naramon or Combo Duration mods. If this box is unchecked, damage calculation will be based on the weapon's initial combo. As such, the optimal build may include initial combo mods, since all of these abilities' damage scales with the combo multiplier.
Also, since Gladiator Set mods on your frame (or possibly Deconstructor) can also contribute to the crit chance of your weapon, you may specify how many of these mods you have equipped for more accurate damage calculation.
There is also a chance with some parameters that the optimal build will require both Sacrificial mods, which has a chance to make the build heavy enough that it is impossible to fit without an Umbra Forma. This site will assume that you're not willing to Umbra Forma your stat-stick and will only show the best build that can be made with regular Forma unless you check the final box.
You can also specify your frame's ability strength here. This won't affect which build is chosen, but will adjust the damage numbers to reflect your actual values.

If you find a bug, or have some other feedback or feature you'd like to see added, feel free to file it here.